Vanessa McCain-Mason

Board Liason


Vanessa McCain-Mason is the Director of Food services at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center with responsibility for the complete acquisition, preparation, and distribution of food; and coordination of the activities of a kitchen staff of approximately 32 union and non-union employees (including Food Service Supervisors, Cooks, and Food Service Workers), engaging in the operation of adolescent residents meal services. In addition she must maintain quality, standards, sanitation, safety, and security in all work units.  Mrs. Mason has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with over 23 years of service at the facility having worked in or with every department in the facility.


A member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority for almost 40 years, Mrs. Mason resides in Chicago. IL with her husband and four children.


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CCJTDC Foundation

1538 W. Jackson  BLVD

Suite 100

Chicago, Illinois 60607